Monday, May 19, 2008

Life in the Garden

This morning I was reading about Adam and Eve's life in the garden. The story was of the serpent giving them the forbidden fruit to eat. God knew they had hidden themselves, but came looking for them anyway. Even knowing they had disobeyed her command, God wanted to continue to be in relationship with them.

Reading this familiar story again this morning, I was struck by the thought that we are still in the garden! I mean, I know that the story says God kicked them out and made their life much harder, but when I look around me I still see an incredibly lush, rich, fertile garden that needs to be tended. I see animals that need to be taken care of. Perhaps we are all still Adams and Eves. I know I've disobeyed God's command, and it wasn't just one time. Yet God continues to seek me out; God continues to want to be in relationship with me.

God, come and walk with me in your garden. Teach me how to listen for the sound of you walking through the garden. Help me remember that there is nothing I can do that will make you not want to remain in relationship with me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How we communicate with God

How do you communicate with God? Seems like a simple enough question, until I really get to thinking about it. Prayer is the obvious (to me) first answer. But so often that's only 1-way communication. How else do we give to and receive from God? I think John Wesley would have said we communicate with God through the various means of grace. Prayer is one of those, but so are reading the Bible, communion, fasting, doing good deeds for others, visiting the sick and imprisoned, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, working for justice, and through the giving of our tithes and offerings. Even in the midst of community, we are in communication with God.

I had an experience Sunday that made me think through this again. I was running around church taking care of some tasks when I saw one of the elementary teachers over in the main building looking rather frazzled and almost on the edge of tears. She was having an emotional moment. We had moved all the elementary classes into one group for the day and the plan was to show a movie. But the DVD player, projector, something wasn't working, and our children's director was out of town yesterday with a family graduation so she couldn't take care of the problem for the teachers. This gentle spirit knew everything would be OK and that she and the other teachers could keep the kids entertained for the allotted time, but when you're faced with a larger-than-expected classroom full of end-of-school, spring-fevered kids that you have to supervise for 60 minutes and your plan has just gone down the drain...

I asked her if I could say a prayer for her. I held her hands and prayed...for her, for the other teachers, for the kids...I not sure what I said. I have no idea if she heard any of the words I said or if they made any difference if she did. But I know that I touched God and I was better because of it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

and finally...

...a purpose! Long story, short--I have begun using the Renovare study Bible and accompanying devotional books along with starting a number of spiritual formation groups using Renovare materials at church. My blogging will be my journal, a place to share my questions, musings, etc. as I begin to work on the "with God" life. You are welcome on my journey, either as a traveling companion, as a spectator, or anything in between. Blessings on your own "with God" life.
