Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Selah Time

The Sunday evening Selah service that we started last August has gone through some fits and starts and has struggled with leadership issues since its infancy. With attendance decreasing, we made the decision that, following this past Sunday's service, we need to give it a time of rest, go back to the drawing board, and begin planning now for a possible re-start at a later date.

Briana Stadtlander and Jordan Priddle did a wonderful job of stepping up to take over the leadership and planning when the former team could no longer continue. We took a short break over the Christmas weeks, but they have been so faithful to the service and deserve most of the credit for keeping it going since late last fall. They are incredible young women, and I'm sure God has great things in store for them if they keep listening to and following God's urgings.

Two others who have been integral to its continuation are Paige Hoyt and Julie Stadtlander. Without their support efforts, Selah would have ended much sooner.

I cannot thank the four of them enough for all they gave and sacrificed for Selah.

But for now, Selah needs some selah time for itself. Please be in prayer for this service and for those who will step up and join us in its resurrection.


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